

All CPSC tennis programs take place at the Centennial Park venue. These are the 11 tennis courts across from the Entertainment Quarter. CPSC tennis programs usually take place on the first four courts.

If you are attending for the first time, please wait on the deck area. The coaching team will then call you onto the court.

More information is available in the individual orientations linked below.


Parking for participants in the CPSC tennis program is available in the Moore Park Golf parking lot. If you show your program receipt to the Golf Pro Shop or at the Toll House, you will receive free validation for parking.

There is also limited, metered parking available at our CPSC site (please note that parking is controlled and run by the Greater Sydney Parklands Trust). Customers may also park on Robinson Road or the Entertainment Quarter, which offers two hours of free parking.


As a tennis player, we recommend you own a tennis racquet. However, we do have adult and junior racquets available for loan through our tennis kiosk. These are free of charge if you are participating in one of our tennis programs.

Adult Orientations

CPSC Adult Beginner Orientation

CPSC Adult Low Intermediate Orientation

CPSC Adult Intermediate Orientation

CPSC High Intermediate Orientation

CPSC Beginner & Low Intermediate Match Play Orientation

Junior Orientations

CPSC Blue Ball Orientation

CPSC Red Ball Orientation

CPSC Orange Ball Intro Orientation

CPSC Orange Ball Improver Orientation

CPSC Green Ball Intro Orientation

CPSC Green Ball Improver Orientation

CPSC 12 to 14s Orientation